If you own a Preci-Shear hydraulic guillotine shearing machine, you know how important it is to make certain you take the best possible care of every part of it. Due to the high cost of replacing these tools, good hydraulic cutter maintenance is essential. With proper care, these tools typically last five to fifteen years. Let's look at three easy steps you can take to make certain your cutters continue to perform optimally for years to come.
Contamination and dirt are the top reasons hydraulic tools stop working earlier than most hydraulic shearing machine manufacturers advertise. However, simply keeping everything clean prolongs their life span. There are certain steps you should follow consistently including: only use fiber brushes for cleaning hydraulic tools. Under no circumstances should you use metal bristled brushes because they can score a piston. Hydraulic heads should be cleaned with non-petroleum solvents, whenever possible, to prevent contamination. All hydraulic connections should be brushed and dried prior to insertion into a remote head or hydraulic pump. Always clean your tools before you put them away when you are using them in unfavorable conditions, particularly near salt water. Many manufacturers suggest using clean water to flush the tool before wiping it off with a recommended solvent.
Preci-Shear suggests that you check the operation of the entire system every year. This includes: Check insulated and non-insulated hydraulic hoses for leaks or cracks. If you find any, contact Preci-Shear to inquire about replacing the damaged hose with a new one. Perform a hydraulic oil change during this time.
While contamination and dirt are the top reasons for premature failure, abuse or misuse is not too far behind. Consider the following: Hydraulic tools should never be used for prying something off or open or for hammering. Prying and hammering are two very simple ways to cause your tools to fail. Never use soft-metal hydraulic cutters to cut hard metal or a reinforcing bar. This can result in pieces shattering putting you and others in the area at risk for injury. Do not install extension handles because it places unnecessary strain on the tool and compromises its dielectric properties. Only use the appropriate connectors, dies, and tooling. To ensure compatibility, use the manufacturer's published information to confirm which tools and dies can be used for a specific connector, as well as confirm the tool's acceptance of all connectors and dies. Preci-Shear is proud to offer top of the line products at affordable prices. Following the three simple tips listed above will ensure that your cutters last as long as possible.